In 2016, UN member states gathered and agreed to work together for international migration, called the Global Compact for Migration (1). It is framed consistent with target 10.7 of the Agenda 2030 and it is directly and indirectly linked to other numerous targets. Global Compact encourages all 193 UN member states to cooperate and ensure safe and orderly migration and integration while respecting autonomous decisions according to each state’s emerging issues and capacity. Its major aims are (1):

  • To support international cooperation on the governance of international migration
  • To provide comprehensive options for member states to select policies to address the most pressing issues around international migration
  • To give states the flexibility to implement policies based on their migration realities and capacities

What is different from EU migration policy is that the Global Compact is rather an international agreement to cooperate to work on pressing issues around international migration. Member states are encouraged to recognize the issues related to migration and improve based on the Agenda 2030. The International Organization for Migration (IOM), UN agency plays a major role. IOM was established in 1951, and is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all (2). IOM annual reports and IOM strategic plan 2024-2028 provide each member state with guidance on improving the migration process and integration (3).


1.                        IOM. International Organization for Migration. [cited 2024 Oct 30]. Global Compact for Migration. Available from:

2.                        IOM. International Organization for Migration. [cited 2024 Nov 22]. Who We Are. Available from:

3.                        IOM. International Organization for Migration. [cited 2024 Nov 22]. IOM Strategic Plan 2024-2028. Available from: