In the third largest city in Sweden, Malmö, more than 50 % of people have immigrant backgrounds (1). To help immigrants integrate into Swedish society, Malmö municipality provides several support. For example, the Malmö Integration Center helps immigrants where to find jobs, how to get a place at schools for children, and how the healthcare system works (2).

In Sweden, immigrants are required to be registered in the Swedish Population Register upon arrival and obtain Personal Identification Numbers. That will entitle them to social benefits as well as legal rights to social services, e.g., to open a bank account and attend school. They can also register at the Social Insurance Agency and the Public Employment Service to seek jobs or participate in the Establishment Program (See more in Migration and Integration Policy in Sweden).

Apart from the national program, there are several opportunities in Malmö municipality for immigrants to get familiar with Swedish society, connect with people, and learn the Swedish language. At several libraries, people can get help with their school homework, and practice Swedish at language café, regardless of their age (3). There are open pre-schools for parents with small children (0-6 years old) to meet other parents, share concerns, and practice Swedish as well.

At one of the municipality’s offices, immigrants can take the Civic orientation course. The course consists of four modules, 100 hours in total, to learn all aspects of Swedish society. At the end of the course, a certificate is issued and that can help them find jobs (4).

As for activities, there are 13 libraries in Malmö where people may find social and cultural activities. Allaktivitetshus, which is the center for all kinds of activities is one of the unique places for people to get together in Malmö. Three schools are designated as the center and are open for any idea of activity and provide premises for free. In addition, they provide free breakfast for students who attend those schools during the weekdays, which may be very helpful for many households (5).

Besides, there are many international restaurants, café, and stores, which are appreciated by all kinds of people. There are several cultural events throughout the year, such as Malmö Festival, where people can enjoy international cuisine and music.

Diversity is appreciated in general, and opportunities for immigrants to integrate into society are there. Nevertheless, it is uncertain whether those opportunities are available and accessible to all kinds of immigrants. I go to the language café at the city library once a week, but it still requires a lot of energy. Open opportunities may only benefit certain people who can come. It may be an important question to investigate whether those opportunities are equally effective among immigrants.


1.                        Statistics Sweden. Statistiska Centralbyrån. 2023 [cited 2023 Nov 9]. Population in Sweden by Country/Region of Birth, Citizenship and Swedish/Foreign background, 31 December 2022. Available from:

2.                        Malmö stad. Integration Centre [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Oct 31]. Available from:

3.                        Malmö stad. Language studies, preschools and schools [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2024 Oct 31]. Available from:

4.                        Malmö stad. Civic orientation [Internet]. 2024 [cited 2024 Oct 31]. Available from:

5.                        Malmö stad. Culture and leisure [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2024 Oct 31]. Available from: